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Privacy Policy




Northern Territory Major Events Company Pty Ltd (NTMEC) is the peak governmental body for attracting, delivering and supporting world-class events in the Northern Territory. Our role is to promote travel to and within the Territory, to secure and deliver major events, and develop and deliver initiatives that will drive visitor growth throughout the Territory. This policy applies to visitors and users of this website and our other websites, access or use of our services or interactions with and outlines the way in which we collect, use, share or otherwise process personal information and your rights of access to the personal information we hold about you. NTMEC (referred to in this Policy as we, us, our) is required to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), including the Australian Privacy Principles, and (where applicable) the Information Act 2002 (NT).


WE, US, OURS: Northern Territory Major Events Company.
PRIVACY ACT: Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
INFORMATION ACT: Information Act 2002 (NT)


3.1. The Kind of Personal Information We Collect

We may collect, process and hold personal information about:

  • individuals who register for or attend our events;

  • volunteers and stall holders who participate in our events;

  • participants or entrants in our competitions or promotions;

  • applicants seeking grants from our FestivalsNT funding program;

  • job applicants seeking to work with us; and

  • our contractors, customers and suppliers.

Personal Information is generally defined as information or any opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable from the information or opinion. We only collect and hold personal information for a lawful purpose which is reasonably necessary for or directly related to our business functions. We will always use fair and lawful means of collecting your personal information.

The types of personal information we collect about you, and our use of that information, depends on the nature of your dealings with us. Generally, this personal information will include:

  • contact information (e.g. your name, address, telephone number and/or email address), year of birth;

  • information about your dealings with us (including records of telephone, email, online and other interactions);

  • information about the types of events, products or services that individuals you have acquired from us, or may be interested in;

  • financial information (i.e. bank account details for the sole purpose of invoicing and payment);

  • CCTV footage and/or photographs of individuals you from our premises or events; and

  • for job applicants, their education and employment information.

If you do not provide all of the personal information we require, we may be unable to provide you with the products or services you are seeking, or offer employment to you (where applicable).

3.2. How We Collect Personal Information

We generally collect personal information directly from you where reasonable and practicable to do so. We always do so in an open manner and where consent is obtained. We may collect your personal information in person, or by telephone, through written information or forms that you submit to us (including through any website that we operate), cookies, different forms of media and data matching where appropriate. In limited circumstances, we may collect personal information about you from a third party (e.g. contractors who provide services to us, such as event ticketing companies). If you provide us with personal information about another person, (e.g. purchasing tickets on behalf of someone else), you must ensure that the other person consents to us collecting and using their personal information in accordance with this Policy.

3.3. How We Use Personal Information

We will use and disclose your personal information for the specific purposes for which it was collected, for related purposes that you would reasonably expect, in circumstances where you consent to other uses, and for other purposes required or authorised by law.

By providing us with your personal information, you consent to us using and disclosing your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to provide our products and services to you;

  • to respond to enquiries and provide you with information you have requested;

  • to provide marketing and promotional information about the events, products or services we are offering;

  • to obtain feedback on our events, products and services;

  • to conduct general business and management functions;

  • to disclose the information to third parties (such as our agents, partners, contractors and suppliers) for the above purposes; and

  • for job applicants, to assess your applications for recruitment purposes.

We may use your personal information to let you know about our products or services, either where we have your express or implied consent or where we are otherwise permitted by law to do so. We may contact you for these purposes in a variety of ways, including by mail, email, SMS or telephone. Where you have consented to receiving marketing communications from us, your consent will remain current until you advise us otherwise. In the event you do not wish to receive such marketing and promotions communications, or you do not wish for your information to be used, you may opt-out using the unsubscribe mechanism contained in the communication or by contacting us via the contact details at the bottom of this policy.

3.4. Disclosure to Third Parties

Third parties that we may disclose personal information to include:

  • our professional advisers including legal, accounting, auditing and business consulting advisers to conduct general business and management functions;

  • government and regulatory authorities, where we are required or authorised by law to do so by law;

  • promotional partners and suppliers who provide sponsorship and or prizes for our events, competitions, or promotions; and

  • contractors who provide services to us, including mailing services, booking services, marketing functions, or technology, data or website services.

If we disclose information to a third party, we require that the third party protects your personal information to the same extent that we do. We will not disclose personal information for any reason other than those set out above without sufficient consent, unless disclosure is to prevent a threat to life or serious illness or is required by law or for the investigation of suspected unlawful activity.

If at any point we decide to use your personal information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, you will be notified. You will have a choice as to whether your information is used in this different manner.

3.5. How We Store Personal Information

We take reasonable steps to protect personal information that we hold using such security safeguards as are reasonable in the circumstances to protect against loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure and other misuse, and we implement technical and organisational measures to securely store your personal information to ensure it is protected from loss, misuse or unauthorised access, disclosure, interference or modification. We hold your personal information as either physical or digital records. We safeguard your personal information using a number of administrative, physical and electronic security measures.

We will keep personal information for as long as it is needed for the purposes in part 3.3 of this Policy, or as required by law, after which time it will be disposed of securely or permanently de-identified. If your personal information is sensitive, the retention time will be as appropriate. Should you provide consent for a longer retention period, we will hold your data in line with your consent.

Websites operated by us, may use cookies. Cookies are text files that a website transfers to a user's computer hard drive. Using cookies allows us to customise web content for you. Cookies by themselves do not allow us to see your email address or other personal information. However, if your personal information is submitted to us, that information may be linked to data stored in the cookies. You may configure your web browser to refuse or disable cookies.

Websites operated by us may also contain links to the websites of other organisations. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the use and protection of your personal information on those other websites or by those organisations. There are risks associated with the transmission of information over the internet. While we strive to maintain a high standard of security on our websites, we cannot guarantee the privacy or security of personal information during transmission to our websites, and you should therefore make your own assessment of the risks in the provision of your information to our website.

3.6. Cross-Border Disclosures

We will not disclose personal information overseas except in compliance with the requirements of the Privacy Act. We may disclose your personal information outside Australia where necessary in the course of providing you with our services or as part of our business functions, for instance use of third party service providers to conduct surveys and facilitate marketing and communication. We may also store and process your personal information at offshore locations, including offshore storage and cloud facilities provided by third parties. By providing your personal information to us individuals, you consent to your personal information being transferred offshore for backup, data security, and storage purposes (including to the United States of America and Singapore).

3.7. Amendments

This Policy is current as at April 2023. We reserve the right to amend this Policy at any time, without notice to you, to ensure that we maintain the highest standards. The date of this Policy will inform you as to whether there have been updates since your last visit.

3.8. Access, Accuracy, Questions, Queries or Complaints

We take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we collect is accurate, complete and up to date. If you would like to access or update your personal information, or if you would like to know more about the personal information that we may hold on you please email our Privacy Officer.

If you have any general questions about our management of your personal information, please contact our Corporate Governance Manager at or phone (08) 8999 5256 or GPO Box 3333 DARWIN 0801.

We request that any dispute or complaint be submitted into writing to our Privacy Officer. We will confirm receipt of your complaint and investigate and respond to your complaint within a reasonable time.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your complaint, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, see, or the Northern Territory Information Commissioner, see for further information.


See Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act), Australian Privacy Principles Information Act 2002 (NT).

You can also download a copy of our Privacy Policy document here.